Thursday, April 2, 2015

MAXX Pain Relief 3oz Cream with Pump

In exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion I received 3oz pump bottle of MAXX Pain Relief cream in a pump. I have aches in my knees mostly and recently had surgery on my back for bulging discs. I get not much relief from the knee aches with my prescription nsaid but MAXX Pain Relief is helpful. As I recover from my surgery and at times overdo myself and my back begins aching a bit this has aided in some relief. I've tried a lot of different things trying to get relief and many of them help a bit as does this MAXX Pain Relief cream. Its a bit different than other creams since they come in a tube while MAXX Pain Relief comes in a pump that is a bit easier to dispense the minimal amount of cream needed. This cream spreads nicely and does not leave you greasy or sticky. It rubs in really well. Part of the ingredients is capsaicin which is know to help relieve muscle aches. Not sure if the relief I get from it is worth the cost though what relief I get could be major relief to others and so I would not turn an eye on this product just because I did not get full relief.

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